Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday Morning Run

Taking advantage of the day off today, I took a run when the sun was actually up, for once. My iPod shuffled an energetic mix for me:

"Come As You Are," Nirvana Nevermind
Now twenty years old, this classic album is being re-released in a deluxe edition. Another single from the album, "Smells Like Teen Spirit," is a staple of the Warrior Marching Band repertoire. I can remember how it was the theme song of disenfranchised DHS students back in the early 90s.

"Auctioneer (Another Engine)," R.E.M. Fables of the Reconstruction
One of their louder early-period tunes, from my favorite R.E.M. album. This was my soundtrack when I was a first-year teacher at Round Lake HS, living in my one-bedroom apartment in Buffalo Grove. R.E.M. just announced their official break-up after 31 years of making music together. I haven't really enjoyed their records since about 1994, but they still remain in my personal pantheon of all-time great bands.

"Stone Free," Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced?
A "deep cut" from Jimi's debut album. Right as he tore into his guitar solo, a Metra train headed for Union Station rumbled by on the track ahead of me.

"The Breeze," Lynyrd Skynyrd Second Helping
I've always loved Southern rock. Must be my roots--both of my parents were born in the South, and I spent many a vacation visiting my cousins "back home."

"Walking on the Moon," The Police Regatta de Blanc
I was going to skip this one because the last four were straight-out rockers, but there's something about that trippy hi-hat beat and the sparse textures. There's also the line "Feet they hardly touch the ground," which makes for appropriate running music!

"Me and You (Against the World)," Joe Jackson Blaze of Glory
Much more highly orchestrated than the previous cut. Up tempo and and a seven-man horn section.

"Spill the Wine," Eric Burdon and War Eric Burdon Declares "War"
A good tune for the final leg of my run--cooling down with some nice harmonica and flute fills, and the classic line about the narrator being a "overfed, long-haired, leaping gnome."

Happy New Year!

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