Sunday, March 20, 2011

DHS Band on Twitter

You may have noticed a new Twitter box on the sidebar. For the uninitiated, Twitter is a "microblogging" service that allows users to send out mini status messages called "tweets" to anybody who is interested in following them. My plan is to use Twitter during the Montréal trip to send out updates and links to pictures so that everybody back in Deerfield can follow along as we perform and tour the city. You can receive them online or on your mobile phone. There are at least four ways to follow the @deerfieldband Twitter feed:

  • Register for a Twitter account and sign up to receive tweets from @deerfieldband as text messages or on your Twitter home page.
  • Don't want to register? Simply text "follow deerfieldband" to 40404 and you'll receive tweets as text messages. You can unregister at any time.
  • You can subscribe to an RSS feed of the tweets by clicking on the RSS link at our Twitter profile page and read the posts on your homepage or with a reader.
  • You can also just read the tweets as they show up on this blog in the sidebar.

Wow--that's a lot of techno mumbo jumbo for one post. If you don't understand any of this, ask a teenager to help you out!


  1. Thx for the tidbits. It gives us at home sometime to go on for conversation on the return. Sounds like it's been fabulous!
    Tomorrow at DHS-sorry.

  2. This is cool! I have been looking for a music camp to send my kids too.
