Friday, November 19, 2010

Dissertation Update

My supervisor sent me an email today with the second reader's comments on Chapters 1-4. I knew I was in trouble when I read the first line: "You've got lots of work to do." My second reader really went through my paper with a fine-toothed comb; most pages have multiple comments and corrections. Some are easy enough, like changes in wording, but others require me to go back to sources I haven't looked at since the summer of 2008 to get more information. Still others challenge my methods and conclusions. It's pretty daunting, but she is trying to make sure I plug up any holes in my study so that it can stand up to the grilling of the defense committee. I do appreciate how hard she is making me work--really, I do! (Does it sound like I'm trying to convince myself?)

And so, the saga continues!

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure where else to post this...

    The last time I checked your dissertometer was still up, with only the check of the fourth and fifth chapter. I had no idea you finished with your second reader. And now, you are so close!! That's really awesome, Mr. Brame!! Congrats! 7 days, wow. :D
