Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Band Camp, Day 2

A beautiful day in Deerfield with sunny skies, a cool breeze, and much less humidity than yesterday. We worked on more fundamentals and percussion cadences and started the halftime music. Tomorrow we will learn the pregame drill during our extra-long afternoon and evening rehearsals. It looks like it's going to be a bit stormy over the next few days, so hopefully we'll find some windows of opportunity.

Check out the slideshow of pictures from today. Notice how we are sharing the practice field with the football team! How many schools can boast of a football program so supportive of the band that they make space during their pre-season two-a-days for a marching routine? A special thanks to our wonderful coaches!


  1. Is there any way to make the pictures bigger?

  2. Click on the slideshow, and it should take you to an album on the Picasa site. Here you can see full-size versions.
